When the children achieve puberty time, they will responsible on all their actions by them self to Allah the almighty. So, parents have responsibilities to teach them about several rules dealing with it.
Parents must tell their young son when they have got wet dream for the first time, if they are responsible on all their actions to Allah. And they are even also obligated to do religious service such as those which done by another adult moslems.
Meanwhile, their daughters have to do the same thing when they experienced menstruation. They must be informed that they have to responsible on every action done by themselves to Allah. As the consequence, they must do religious service such those which is being obligated to muslimah
…When the children achieves their puberty times, there are some rules that must be explained by parents to them…
When the children achieve their puberty times, there are some rules that must be explained by parents to them, such as:
1. When their son have dreamed a sex intercourse, he is unnecessary to take a bath (al-ghusl), otherwise he see and feel if their trousers are wet, caused by sperm ejaculation. Their daughters also have to do the same way, if there is something that out from their vagina.
2. Narrated by Khaulah binti Hakim, he asked to prophet Muhammad about woman who got wet dream, as done by man, so prophet uttered " she has no obligatory to take a bath until the sperm out, as man who have no obligatory to take a bath until their sperm out" (hr. ahmad no. 26049, an-nasa'i no. 198, and ibnu majah no. 594)
3. When your child awaken, and he see or feel the trousers is wet caused by dreams, so they (woman and man) must do janabah bath, although they haven't remember what were the dream about.
4. When your sons get an orgasm caused by sexual desire, either due expressly and or involuntary, so he must take a bath. The same rule are also applied for your daughter, when they feel orgasm and wet liquid out.
5. Boys and girl who want to get married have to understand all matters above, when they want to get married and have sexual intercourse. Each time sexual penetration happen, so they are obligated to take a bath after it, although they experience orgasm or not.
Dealing to this matter, the prophet uttered, " When a man is between four parts of woman body (having sex intercourse) then the penetration happen, so he has an obligatory to take a bath" . ( Al-Bukhari)
6. When woman does not see any blood anymore at end of menstruation time, so she must take a bath. married woman have also learn and understand if after they giving birth, she must take a bath when the bleeding is end.
… Your sons and daughter have to understanding about the actions that should do and do not when they are in defilement …
Next step is teaching them in doing the appropriate janabah bath. Your sons and daughters have to understanding about the actions that should do and do not when they are in defilement, such as:
1. During menstruation, or after giving birth, woman is forbidden to pray, fasting, and entering the mosque, doing thawaf, etc.
Allah said, " they ask to you about menstruation. say: " They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean. " (Al-baqarah: 222)
2. Man and woman who get impurities condition (after having sex), are forbidden to read Koran or touch it, before they take a bath. Rasulullah usually read Koran at all conditions, unless he was junub from sexual intercourse. they are also forbidden to pray, entering the mosque,or doing thawaf.
3. Our children have also be tough to pay attention on their clothes and watch over it permanently clean from sperm, any liquids from vagina, or other liquids out from sex organ. [ganna pryadha/voa-islam. com]
Inilah Azab Allah kepada Mantan Perdana Menteri Israel,Ariel Sharon,pada
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lain.!!!! Tubuh ...
13 tahun yang lalu
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