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- beranda-rumah-bunda
- wanita biasa-biasa saja, ibu 2 putri dan 4 putra, suka baca dan browsing di internet, asli orang Islam yang kebetulan lahir di bumi Indonesia dari Suku Melayu Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan
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Inilah Azab Allah kepada Mantan Perdana Menteri Israel,Ariel Sharon,pada membusuk,Full PICT - Pembalasan dari Allah SWT atas segala kekejaman nya, mengingatkan kita sebagai hambaNya, jangan sekali2 melakukan kezaliman terhadap insan lain.!!!! Tubuh ...13 tahun yang lalu
Mitos “13 Angka Sial” Dari Mana Berasal? - Hari ini, 6 Juli 2010 jam 9.00 pagi adalah saat usia perkawinan kami naik ke angka 13. Tanggal 6 Juli memang tanggal istimewa buat kami. Kadang diperingati...14 tahun yang lalu
Manfaat Membaca Al Qur'an - Berdasarkan hasil riset universitas Al Azhar, membaca Al Qur'an dapat meningkatkan kinerja otak dan mempertajam ingatan sampai dengan 80% karena ada 3 akt...14 tahun yang lalu
Thank's 4 UR Coming
Here You Are ^_^
Alhamdulillah, untuk usianya saat ini, berat badannya cukup terjaga berimbang, sekitar 17-18 kg dengan tinggi badan di atas rata-rata.
Dua hari yang lalu dia merengek minta makaroni karena melihat sebungkus makaroni tergeletak di meja dapur. Kelihatannya Zoeiy memang senang dengan makaroni. Kalau saya bikin sop ayam dengan makaroni, yang dipilihnya adalah makaroni. Tapi kalau bikin sup ayam melulu, bosan juga..jadi enaknya dibikin apa ya?..
Akhirnya Bunda bikin sup makaroni spesial dengan bahan utama makaroni, dan tumisan daging ayam/sapi dengan jamur merang, bawang bombay, bawang putih, bawang daun dan tomat, susu cair, kocokan telur,
Hasil akhirnya, ditaburi keju parut. Ketika sup makaroni udah jadi, ternyata bukan cuma Jazuli yang suka tapi kakak-kakaknya juga Ayah ikut suka. Dimakan panas-hangat dengan potongan roti yg sudah di panggang Hmm..yang bikin nggak kebagian nih ^_^
Gedung Sate dan Gasibu, siapa yang tidak tau? Selain dikenal sebagai bangunan dan tempat bersejarah dan pusat pemerintahan, juga merupakan tempat wisata bagi orang-orang Bandung dan sekitarnya termasuk dari luar kota. Kadang-kadang tempat ini juga jadi ajang aksi dan demo berbagai organisasi seperti Kammi, PKS, HTI, dll.
Ingin melihat Gasibu dan sekitarnya ramai dan seru? Datang saja di hari Minggu. Karena pada hari ini, Gasibu, Taman Lansia dan Monumen Perjuangan di seberang Gasibu dipenuhi lapak-lapak beraneka dagangan, lengkap dan murah asal anda pandai menawar harga. Semua ada mulai dari pakaian, sandal, sepatu, asesoris, peralatan rumah tangga, bed cover, mainan anak-anak, dsb. Tidak ketinggalan berbagai jajanan dan tenda-tenda makanan termasuk arena bermain kecil-kecilan untuk anak-anak. Benar-benar hidup dan ramai.
Keramaian ini sudah dimulai sejak pukul 4 pagi atau setelah subuh dan akan berangsur-angsur sepi begitu lewat jam 1 siang. Biasanya masyarakat sekitar memanfaatkan momen di hari ini untuk berolahraga jalan kaki di sekitar Gasibu dan Taman Lansia dan ketika matahari beranjak tinggi serta tempat-tempat itu sudah dipenuhi berbagai lapak, tenda dan gerobak pedagang, mereka melanjutkannya dengan berbelanja barang atau makanan.
Wisata kuliner di sini mengasyikkan, karena anda tinggal pilih jenis makanan yang begitu beragam yang bisa menjadi favorit anda dan keluarga. Saya dan keluarga punya beberapa tenda favorit, di antaranya Soto Banjar khas Kalimantan yang ada di depan Taman Lansia. Di sebelahnya ada sate aneka ragam yang enak dan gurih tanpa lemak. anak-anak saya sangat suka makan di situ. Ingin camilan yang hangat dan bikin kenyang? Ada mendoan khas Gombong yang letaknya persis di depan gerbang Gedung Pos Cilaki. Di sampingnya ada Gorengan berukuran jumbo dan Kerak Telor khas Betawi juga ada Di depan Gedung Sate juga ada batagor ding's yang lumayan enak dan porsinya cukup besar. Bikin kenyang,
Ingin menyenangkan anak-anak? Masuk saja ke Taman Lansia. Di situ ada arena permainan mulai dari mandi bola, mancing ikan (bukan ikan beneran tentunya), mini komidi putar dan "Odong-odong", istilah yang populer di masyarakat Sunda untuk jenis permainan kuda-kudaan yang digerakkan dengan kayuhan kaki di gerobak yang merupakan modif dari kendaraan jenis beca. Seru abis! Di tambah lagi ada doger monyet yang monyetnya sok akrab minta digendong dan di peluk. Wah gak kebayang kalo monyetnya mendekati kami dan anak-anak, udah ngeri duluan hi..hi..hi..
Meski wisata dan berakhir pekan di sini lumayan murah biayanya timbang anda pergi ke tempat wisata yang lain, akan tetapi ada baiknya menyiapkan bekal uang yang cukup jika ingin ke sana bersama anak-anak anda. Karena makan dan mencoba berbagai permainan di sana benar-benar menyenangkan untuk mereka. Dan jangan lupa untuk tetap berhati-hati dan waspada, karena ada juga copet yang mencari kesempatan dari kelengahan kita. Jaga pula anak-anak anda jangan sampai terpisah dari anda karena di sana benar-benar penuh orang. Tentu sulit menemukan bila sampai terpisah dari orang tuanya. Selamat liburan...!! Salam dari kami.
Ini kisah keluarga kami di akhir tahun lalu. Setelah kurang lebih 2,5 bulan dinas di Mekkah, tugas ayah di sana selesai juga. Ayah pulang lebih cepat dari jadwal kepulangan tanggal 30 Januari 2010 jadi 25 Desember 2009. Bunda dan anak-anak berniat menjemput ayah di bandara sekalian menghabiskan akhir pekan dengan liburan di Jakarta. Lewat email, ayah mengabari kalau jadwal pesawat yang ditumpanginya, Royal Brunei akan tiba di Soekarno Hatta 25 Desember pukul 2 pagi wib. Ayah juga menegaskan bahwa kalau ingin menjemputnya, mobil harus diperiksa ke bengkel dulu. Bunda juga harus diantar ponakan yang akan menyetir mobil, tidak boleh bawa sendiri. Alasannya, Bunda baru bisa menyetir dan perjalanan Bandung Jakarta meski lewat tol cukup riskan. Kalau tidak Ayah tidak mengizinkan Bunda dan anak-anak berangkat.
Bunda mengiyakan persyaratan dari ayah. Mobil diperiksa ke bengkel. Beres! Lalu Bunda telpon ponakan. Tidak beres! Lho apa maksudnya? Ponakan yang diharapkan bisa membantu ternyata tidak bisa dihubungi. Ketika ayah telpon dari Jeddah (sudah dalam perjalanan pulang) untuk memastikan jemputan, Bunda tidak bilang secara terus terang kalau ponakan kami tak bisa dihubungi. Bunda hanya katakan, "InsyaAllah semua siap", karena Bunda nggak ingin kami batal ke Jakarta. Sambil bingung juga, nanti bagaimana kalau ternyata ponakan yang diharapkan bantuannya tak kunjung bisa ditelpon. Apa Bunda yang bawa sendiri padahal Ayah tidak membolehkan? "Ah lihat bagaimana nanti!" batin Bunda.
Berangkat ke Jakarta
Hari itu 24 Desember 2009 pukul 10.00 WIB, Bunda dan anak-anak siap-siap untuk berangkat menjemput ayah. Koq 10 pagi sudah siap-siap bertolak ke Jakarta, padahal ayah baru akan tiba tanggal 25 Desember dinihari, mengingat jarak tempuh Jakarta - Bandung hanya 2,5 jam lewat tol?
Setelah semua perlengkapan dan perbekalan untuk beberapa hari di Jakarta siap, periksa gas, air dan peralatan listrik yang tidak perlu dimatikan, motor dan sepeda anak-anak sudah dimasukkan ke dalam rumah, kunci jendela dan tutup korden serta menyalakan lampu teras lalu mengunci pintu rumah dan pagar, Bunda dan anak-anak berangkat meninggalkan rumah jam 11 siang, mulur satu jam dari rencana semula.
Tidak langsung ke Jakarta, tetapi ke tempat pencucian mobil terlebih dahulu. Mobil dicuci biar bersih dan nyaman bagi anak-anak. Tak lupa memeriksa tekanan angin ban. Setelah itu, ke sekolah anak Bunda yang pertama yang kebetulan hari itu sedang bagi raport semesteran.
Selesai ambil raport,sambil berharap hp berdering tanda ponakan menelpon Bunda, makan siang dulu seadanya dengan 'Nasi Tim Sizi' yang dibeli di gerobak pinggir jalan dekat sekolah anak pertama Bunda.
Waktu terus merambat hingga pukul 2.30, tapi ponakan belum jua menelpon balik. Artinya Bunda dan anak-anak akan ke Jakarta tanpa disopiri ponakan alias Bunda yang menyetir sendiri. Inilah alasan kenapa Bunda merasa jam 10 pagi mesti sudah siap. Pertama, karena hari itu pembagian raport anak Bunda yang SMP. Kedua, agar ada waktu cukup untuk berbelanja menambah perbekalan selama di perjalanan. Ketiga, ini alasan utama, untuk mengantisipasi ketidakpastian bantuan dari ponakan Bunda yang akan membawa kami ke Jakarta, Bunda akan menyetir sendiri. Tentunya untuk mengurangi risiko dengan hal-hal yang tak terduga, perjalanan selama di tol Bandung Jakarta harus pada siang sampai sore hari saja. Adalah sangat riskan menyetir sendiri di tol pada malam hari dengan membawa anak-anak yang masih kecil-kecil padahal boleh dikata menyetirnya pun baru bisa.
Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim. Kurang lebih pukul 3 sore, setelah mengisi bensin di dekat pintu tol Buah Batu, perjalanan ke Jakarta yang sesungguhnya baru saja dimulai. Rasanya..bukan what a trip lagi tapi what a drive!! Kendaraan lain di kiri dan kanan mobil kami semuanya melaju kencang. Klakson mereka selalu menyalak tiap berada di belakang mobil kami yang hanya berkecepatan 80 km/jam.
Ha..ha..Bunda nekat...nekat banget. Buat yang sudah mahir mengendarai mobil mungkin hal ini biasa saja. Tapi tidak sama untuk Bunda. Ini bukan hal biasa. Bagaimana jika terjadi sesuatu di tengah perjalanan? Alhamdulillah, toh Bunda melewati rute tol Cipularang dengan selamat. Kami sempat istirahat di Km 52 untuk shalat dan makan dan minum seperlunya.
Senja mulai nampak di langit disertai titik-titik air sisa hujan. Tak terasa mobil sudah masuk tol dalam kota Jakarta. Sebentar lagi kami akan tiba di bandara. very early memang. Tak apalah, mending datang lebih awal daripada kemalaman di perjalanan.
Kami tiba di bandara menjelang isya. O ya ada beberapa kejadian kecil yang terlewat. Bunda hampir menabrak mobil di depan kami, karena kurang mantap menginjak rem dan itu juga gara-gara adek Zui tiba-tiba BAB yang membuat Bunda tidak konsens. Lalu salah ambil jalur tol, karena lampu penerangan tol tidak berfungsi baik dan bunda lupa menyalakan lampu mobil ha..ha..kami kebablasan ke jalur Ancol. Ya begitulah akhirnya Bunda keluar ke pintu tol terdekat, Jembatan Tiga dan istirahat di pom bensin di daerah tersebut sekalian membersihkan adek Zui serta shalat jamak maghrib-isya. Balik lagi masuk pintu tol, kali ini tidak nyasar lagi kami langsung ke bandara akan tetapi salah pilih terminal kedatangan. Pesawat ayah mendarat di terminal B, kami malah ke terminal C karena mengira rombongan ayah sama dengan jama'ah haji maupun pesawat jurusan internasional lain. Mutar balik lagi untuk bisa ke terminal B.
Yang jelas Bunda dan anak-anak sudah sampai di bandara dengan selamat. Perjalanan berlangsung lancar tanpa ada hambatan. Berita tentang kepergian Bunda ke Jakarta dengan mengendarai sendiri memang akhirnya sempat bikin heboh tetangga dan rekan kerja Ayah, juga keluarga Bunda dan Ayah di Kalimantan dan Solo. Ha...ha...Bunda memang nekat sekali demi Ayah. Ketika Ayah mengetahuinya begitu kami bertemu di bandara, Ayah juga terperangah dan hanya bisa geleng-geleng kepala melihat kenekatan Bunda.
Menunggu Ayah Datang
Rasanya sangat lama waktu yang dihabiskan untuk menunggu ayah. Anak-anak main kereta dorong di tempat parkir untuk membunuh waktu sampai akhirnya masuk angin, terutama adek Zui muntah-muntah mengenai baju Teteh. Tetapi setelah itu mereka tertidur di mobil karena kelelahan. Bunda bolak-balik antara lapangan parkir dan ruang tunggu kedatangan untuk mengusir kantuk dan jenuh. Akhirnya, pesawat yang ditumpangi ayah mendarat juga dengan selamat dan tepat waktu. Tak lama kemudian, satu persatu penumpang keluar dari pintu kedatangan. Dan itu ayah mengenakan sweater berlilitkan turban di leher sambil mendorong koper besar berjalan ke arah kami sambil tersenyum. Ayah terlihat kurusan namun sehat dan bugar. Saat itu hanya Bunda dan adek Zui yang menunggu Ayah di ruang tunggu kedatangan, sementara anak-anak yang lainnya masih terlelap di dalam mobil terkurung hujan deras. Ayah datang disambut hujan deras?...oh tentu bukan...Ayah datang disambut sukacita dan tangis bahagia karena kami diizinkan Allah untuk bertemu kembali.
Di dalam lebatnya hujan,kami pulang ke rumah kontrakan Ayah di Cempaka Putih. O ya Ayah mengontrak rumah ini berlima dengan teman sekantornya karena ditempatkan di Jakarta. Saat itu sekitar pukul 3 dinihari. Jalanan benar-benar sunyi hanya suara hujan dan sesekali kilat menyambar yang terdengar. Kulihat, di kursi belakang anak-anak memilih meneruskan tidur mereka yang tadi terputus sewaktu ayah mereka baru tiba. Kami semua benar-benar kelelahan dan ingin segera bisa istirahat sesampainya di rumah (kontrakan) Ayah.
Siang apa Sore?
Waktu subuh terasa begitu cepat datang, padahal sepertinya kami baru saja tiba di Cempaka Putih dan membersihkan badan yang lengket oleh keringat seharian. Setelah shalat subuh, mata benar-benar ingin terpejam. Meski anak-anak bangun dan suasana begitu ramai dengan keceriaan mereka menerima oleh-oleh dari Ayah, Bunda tetap tertidur lelap sampai menjelang siang. Ternyata anak-anak juga tidur lagi mengikuti jejak ayah dan bundanya setelah capek dengan mainan baru mereka.
Bangun dengan badan lebih segar tapi perut koq keroncongan? Ya pantas saja, sebab hari sudah siang dan hampir tiba jam makan siang. Kebetulan di rumah (kontrakan) Ayah tidak ada persediaan makanan yang bisa dimasak selain beras. Kelihatannya rumah ini juga tidak didiami penghuninya selama berminggu-minggu. Maka kami putuskan untuk makan di luar. Pilihannya pujasera di Carrefour Cempaka Putih. Semua mandi kecuali Ayah dan Kaka yang sudah mandi duluan karena mau shalat Jum'at di mesjid dekat rumah. Setelah semua siap kami lalu berangkat.
Kami makan lalu belanja bahan makanan seperlunya di Carrefour. Ada hal unik kalau makan di sini. Kita siap-siap bingung dengan ulah para pelayan masing-masing stand makanan. Sebelum menentukan pilihan, mereka akan mengerubungi kita bahkan terkesan mereka berebut untuk mendapatkan calon pembeli. Kebayang pembelinya satu, penjualnya lima. Di sini pun tempatnya kelihatan kurang bersih. Letak washroom cukup jauh dari tempat kita makan. Sangat berbeda dengan pujasera yang ada di BEC di jalan Purnawarman, Bandung yang menyediakan fasilitas washroom sangat bersih dan nyaman, pelayannya juga tidak vulgar berebut pembeli.
Siang itu Adek Zui, muntah-muntah lagi. Kasihan sekali, dia masuk angin waktu menunggu Ayah di bandara kemarin. Makan tidak mau, inginnya es jeruk. Disodori jeruk hangat malah ngambek. Apa boleh buat, terpaksa keinginannya dipenuhi untuk sekedar mengisi cairan tubuhnya kembali. Bunda beri dia biskuit, eh ternyata mau, lumayan untuk mengisi perutnya yang kosong.
Kami segera pulang selesai belanja terutama setelah beli susu murni 'plain' kemasan. Ada yang mengejutkan tapi melegakan. Tak disangka, adek Zui berhenti muntah-muntah setelah minum susu murni ini. Mukanya sudah tidak kelihatan pucat dan keceriaannya mulai terlihat kembali. Alhamdulillah.
Keluar dari Carrefour yang suasananya begitu sumpek, tentunya sangat melegakan. Tempat parkirnya juga kurang lebih sama kondisinya, sumpek dan kotor. Dan kita baru sadar kalau hari sudah semakin sore menjelang maghrib. Dikira masih rada siang. Ini gara-gara jam tidur yang berubah hari ini. Bangun siang, mandi dan shalat zhuhur lalu keluar untuk makan. Ada-ada saja!
Kemana Kita Hari Ini?
Sabtu pagi, selesai mandi, cuci baju dan bersih-bersih rumah, kami sarapan dengan nasi goreng bikinan Ayah. Hmm...tiga bulan tidak bertemu ayah, nasi goreng bikinannya pun kami kangen juga. Dalam hal bikin nasi goreng, Ayah memang pandai. Rasanya enak dan mantap. Anak-anak makan dengan lahap dan minta nambah sampai kekenyangan. Kira-kira kalau Ayah ikut lomba masak nasi goreng, menang gak yah?
Rencananya hari ini kami ingin jalan-jalan bersama anak-anak, tapi agak bingung mau kemana mengajak mereka di samping masih agak khawatir dengan kondisi si kecil yang baru sembuh dari 'masuk angin'. Adek Zui memang tidak bisa capek bila diajak dalam perjalanan yang memakan waktu cukup lama. Biasanya tubuhnya akan memberi reaksi dengan timbul demam di sekujur tubuhnya.
Akhirnya hari ini kami habiskan hanya di rumah, menonton tivi dan mencoba permainan rancang bangun yang di beli Ayah di Pasar Seng, Mekkah. Oya Bunda lupa menyebutkan kalau Ayah juga membelikan Bunda hadiah berupa dua gelang cantik dan bross berbentuk Ka'bah dari emas. Teteh dan Kaka dibelikan ayahnya, jam tangan yang membuat Mbak Aysya protes kenapa dia tidak dibelikan juga, padahal Ayah membelikannya maninan yang cantik. Ternyata umur jam tangan itu hanya sehari, gara-gara tangan usil Adek Tsaqiif yang mengutak-atik dan mempreteli tombol-tombolnya. Ah, memang Adek Tsaqiif!
Balik ke Bandung, Main Dulu di Taman Mini
Minggu pagi, kami bersiap-siap meninggalkan rumah kontrakan Ayah mau pulang ke Bandung.Rumah sudah bersih dan rapi untuk ditinggalkan. Pagi itu cerah dan terang menandakan cuaca Jakarta akan panas siang ini. Mobil sudah masuk tol dan Ayah mengambil jalur menuju tol Cipularang, yang membuat jarak Jakarta Bandung terasa dekat dan singkat. Tapi, seperti ada yang kurang kami rasakan. Apa ya?
Tak lama kemudian, kami sampai di Taman Mini, setelah membayar tiket kami masuk dan menikmati suasana di dalamnya. Dari semua wahana yang tersedia, kami hanya mencoba kereta gantung. Relatif mahal karena harga tiket per orang rp 25.000. Adek Caciif sudah kena charge soalnya tinggi badannya sudah lebih dari 90 cm. Sebenarnya adek Zui juga bisa kena charge tapi karena digendong Ayah jadi tingginya gak diukur sama mbak penjaga pintu, he..he..he...jadi yang kehitung hanya 6 orang. Baru satu wahana sudah habis rp 150 ribu, kebayang kalau semua wahana dicoba, bisa kosong isi kantong Ayah dan Bunda ha..ha...ha..
Akhirnya kami hanya berkeliling saja di areal Taman Mini yang 'tidak mini', lewat komplek museum dan mampir di Museum Prangko. Ada Museum Komodo, mau masuk baru sampai gerbang, Adek Caciif tiba-tiba takut melihat baliho bergambar Ular dan Komodo. Jadi urung deh.
Taman Mini di hari itu dipadati pengunjung, jalanan macet dan cuaca begitu terik. Ayah dan Bunda mencari anjungan yang menyediakan tempat shalat bukan karena tidak tahu ada mesjid. Kami lihat ada Mesjid di sektor kiri TMII, tapi penuh dengan orang-orang yang ingin shalat. Tentunya kami akan repot menjaga krucil selagi shalat sehingga shalat di mushola salah satu anjungan jadi pilihan aman bagi kami. Saat itu kami ke anjungan Lampung.
Mobil Kami Over Heated
Hari mulai beranjak sore, kami memutuskan pulang dan mobil pun meluncur tenang di tol Cipularang yang sedang ditimpa hujan tanpa pernah menyangka, bahwa kami kemudian akan mendapat masalah di jalan. Sempat istirahat di Km 11 dan mengisi bensin terlebih dulu. Setelah Km 19 dalam rinai gerimis, Bunda mencium bau tidak nyaman dari arah mesin mobil, seperti gosong. Sebenarnya Bunda memang rada paranoid terhadap bau yang satu ini ataupun bau dari kopling, padahal belum tentu berasal dari mobil yang kami bawa. Kadangkala tercium ketika melewati kendaraan-kendaraan besar seperti bis dan truk saja. Tapi ini lain rasanya begitu dekat yang membuat Bunda melongok ke thermometer mobil dan melihat jarumnya bergeser ke warna merah. MasyaAllah, mesin mobil ini ternyata kepanasan. Sontak Ayah menyalakan sign kiri dan menepikan mobil ke bahu jalan.
Begitu kap mobil dibuka Ayah, asap putih langsung menyeruak ke udara. Kata Ayah, air pendinginnya kosong. Panteslah kalau begitu! Ayah lupa memeriksa sebelum berangkat tadi pagi. Persediaan air mineral yang kami bawa mau tak mau harus direlakan untuk mengisi tempat air pendingin. Tapi ternyata tidak cukup, airnya selalu habis menguap saking panasnya mesin, padahal mobil sudah didiamkan (dimatikan) cukup lama. Apa daya, air zamzam pun dengan berat hati dikorbankan juga sambil Bismillah. Habis setengah jerigen baru bisa terisi. Ayah menyalakan mesin dan mengamati jarum penunjuk suhu mesin. Melihat jarumnya stabil diwarna biru, ayah memasukkan persneling dan kami bergerak untuk pulang sambil berharap semoga masalah ini sudah selesai. Ternyata ini hanya harapan karena jarum thermometer kembali bergerak ke warna merah. Saat itu baru Km 22 dan sudah pukul 5 sore. Sepertinya kami harus berhenti di rest area terdekat dan meminta bantuan. Bolak-balik mengambil air bersama anak-anak untuk mendinginkan mesin tidak juga berhasil, Ayah menelpon petugas tol meminta derek yang akan menarik mobil kami ke bengkel dari pintu tol terdekat.
Malam-malam di Cianjur
Pukul 6.30 petang. Mobil kami diderek ke bengkel terdekat. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, Ayah tetap ingat dan mengingatkan Bunda untuk niat shalat jamak takhir karena waktu maghrib akan segera berakhir. Lucu juga rasanya berada di dalam kendaraan yang lagi ditarik mobil lain, untuk mengganti perasaan yang tidak karuan muncul dari hati. Karena yang dirasakan oleh Bunda adalah sedih, bersyukur dan cemas. Sedih melihat anak-anak jadi turut merasakan susah dan Ayah mesti mengupayakan berbagai hal demi kepentingan dan keselamatan kami. (Ketika menulis ini Bunda jadi semakin sayang dan cinta kepada Ayah, semoga Allah selalu menjaga dan melindungi Ayah, amiin). Bersyukur, karena kejadian ini kami alami setelah ada Ayah. Bagaimana kalau Bunda mengalami hal ini justru ketika berangkat menjemput Ayah empat hari yang lalu? Sungguh, Allah Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengetahui akan kekurangan dan kelemahan hambaNya. Tapi cemas juga membayangkan berapa duit ya kira-kira akan keluar untuk memperbaiki mobil kami tersayang ini.Untung sudah bersama Ayah, coba kalau tidak, Bunda khan lagi bokek...he..he...
Ternyata mobil ini mengalami kerusakan radiator, ada kebocoran yang membuat air selalu habis dan menyebabkan mesin jadi panas. Wah gak ngerti deh Bunda soal mesin, tapi waktu itu ada beberapa komponen yang mesti dibongkar, diperbaiki dan diganti. Yang jelas biaya perbaikannya tidak sedikit karena ada banyak tenaga montir yang diperlukan agar pekerjaan ini cepat selesai.
Asli, malam-malam di Cianjur bukan lagi romantis-romantisan tapi suntuk dan lelah di bengkel menunggu sambil tetap menjaga anak-anak dan membuat mereka tetap merasa nyaman dan terlindungi. Waktu makan malan hanya dilewati dengan menikmati keripik pisang yang dibeli di toko oleh-oleh samping bengkel. Tidak ada warung makan Padang atau Sunda apalagi restoran yang terlihat di sekitar situ. Untuk mengusir bosan anak-anak main tangkap nyamuk yang tetap bikin mereka bosan juga dan memilih lebih baik tidur. Akhirnya, lewat pukul 10 malam selesai juga mobil kami diperbaiki. Alhamdulillah, kami bisa meneruskan perjalanan pulang ke Bandung.
Di Rumah Lagi
Tidak ada tempat yang lebih nyaman selain rumah sendiri. Kalimat ini klise ya? Tapi itulah kenyataannya. Apalagi bila kita telah mengalami berbagai hal selama berada di luar rumah. Tiba di rumah sekitar jam 2 dini hari, betapa ingin merebahkan diri di kasur empuk yang sudah ditinggal selama 4 hari. Tapi belum shalat jadi shalat dulu meski begitu lelah dan mengantuk. Barang-barang bawaan teronggok berantakan di ruang tengah. Besok saja Bunda bereskan, janji Bunda untuk diri sendiri. Time to bed. Selamat Malam dan selesai juga cerita perjalanan ini. InsyaAllah akan berganti dengan episode lain dari kisah tentang kami.
Knowing that you have diabetes may be make you upset or upset and learning that you have diabetes can be an emotional shock that takes some getting used to. But, many people are doing ok with that, and you can also.
If left untreated, diabetes can cause major health problems. It can cause nerve damage which can lead to blindness and strokes. It can also cause damage to major organs of your body such as your pancreas, liver, and heart. And in cases where the body goes into a hypoglycemic state, it can lead to seizures ,strokes, and brain damage. But none of these things have to happen if you treat the disease properly.
Living with diabetes will require two major adjustments on your part - one psychological, the other physical. Psychologically, you have to learn to accept the fact that you actually have the disease. Many people, when they are first diagnosed, go through a period of depression. Most get over it and learn to adjust. Others find it difficult to get over and can stay in a depressive state for weeks or months. This is a dangerous state to be in which is why it may be good to seek a few counseling sessions with a psychologist or therapist when you are diagnosed. They will be able to recognize any warning signs and help you to get through this phase.
You'll also have to make physical adjustments. These adjustments include things such as dietary changes, learning to measure your blood sugar levels, possibly learning to inject yourself with insulin, keeping your weight under control, and a host of other things that your doctor will inform you about. You'll also have to learn which foods affect you and learn to avoid or limit certain ones. The goal of all of these physical adjustment will be focused on keeping your blood glucose levels in normal and safe ranges. Your doctor will tell you what that range is and will give you suggestions and help on how to achieve that balance.
At first, the changes may seem daunting and you will resent them. Gradually, however, they will become part of your daily routine and you'll think nothing more or them than other things that you do daily such as brushing your teeth, washing your face, and so on.
The one thing certain about being diagnosed with diabetes is that there will be life style changes. The changes may be small, or they may be huge - the seriousness of your disease will dictate how much change you have to make. But there will be change. To deny or ignore that fact is to basically stick your head in the sands of denial and risk the real possibility of having major health issues further down the road which can't be treated. If you have diabetes, and want to live a relatively normal life, start and continue your treatments as soon as possible.
Jika ada seseorang yang begitu mulia kedudukannya dalam Islam, maka dia adalah seorang ibu
Kemuliaan ibu terletak pada perannya dengan hamil, melahirkan, menyusui dan merawat bayinya serta mengasuh dan mendidik anak-anaknya. Ini bukanlah tugas yang ringan atau sepele, karena ditangannyalah diberikan tanggung jawab untuk membentuk anaknya menjadi apa kelak. Diperlukan kesungguhan dan pengorbanan serta perhatian penuh dari naluri seorang ibu. Tugasnya mengurus anak-anaknya, memenuhi keperluan mereka serta mendidik dan mengajarkan berbagai hal tentunya tidak bisa begitu saja diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada pengasuh anak atau pembantu rumah tangga. Karena Ibu adalah orang pertama bagi anak-anak untuk memperoleh nilai-nilai kehidupan yang mulia terutama agama.
TAK ada rumah tangga yang sepi dari masalah. Tidak ada suami yang tidak pernah marah dan emosi. Meski demikian, seorang istri yang cerdas tahu bagaimana meredam kemarahan suaminya dengan tenang dan penuh kecintaan. Dengan adanya kemarahan, jangan pernah berpikir bahwa ‘sumber’ cinta di antara keduanya telah mengering dan ‘daun-daun’nya telah rontok berguguran.
Kemarahan barangkali merupakan emosi yang paling buruk yang perlu ditangani. Dari waktu ke waktu, siapa pun pernah mengalami perasaan yang kuat ini. Beberapa penyebab umum kemarahan termasuk frustrasi, sakit hati, kejengkelan, kekecewaan, pelecehan, dan ancaman.
Kemarahan suami bukanlah akhir dunia. Menjaga keberlangsungan cinta tergantung pada seberapa besar saling pengertian di antara pasangan suami-istri (pasutri), kepandaian dan kecerdasan sang istri. Kegagalan untuk mengenal dan memahami kemarahan suami berpotensi menggiring Anda ke berbagai problem rumah tangga.
Jika Anda melihat suami Anda marah dan kesal, berusahalah mereda kemarahannya. Jangan membantah dengan pertanyaan tentang hal yang tidak mengenakkan…
…Jika suami yang marah sedang berdiri, maka ajaklah dia untuk duduk dan berbicaralah kepadanya dengan baik…
marah dan emosi adalah tabiat manusia. Kita tidak dilarang marah, namun diperintahkan untuk mengendalikannya…
Semoga tips-tips di atas bisa membantu Anda untuk meredam pasangan hidup Anda, agar dia menjadi orang yang kuat, seperti disinyalir dalam hadits berbunyi, “Orang yang kuat tidaklah yang kuat dalam bergulat, namun mereka yang bisa mengendalikan dirinya ketika marah.”
In order to avoid of losing the love and respect from the husband, the wife have to be more familiar and keep away several characters abhorred by their husbands. Shabah Sa’id in his book entitled Az-zaujah al-mubdi’ah wa asrar al-jamal, has been wrote about it, as follows:
1. Wife who is busy with them selves.
This kind of wife usually keep them selves away all her husband affair, and more consider to her own hobby. Basically, this wife is feel pleasant if she can just be alone, and watch over all what she hears, sees, touches for own self. Perhaps this matter is a kind of be disease psychological error that required more handling.
…This wife is ignore her husband existence. because she usually doesn't ask for her husband suggestion, or doesn't involve it in family affair…2. Dominant wife
this wife is ignore her husband existence. because she usually doesn't ask for her husband suggestion, or doesn't involve it in family affair. she always run all family affairs without looking at her husband opinion.
here, a husband will lose his spirit, because the one that he can do is just gives in for all families good or ignore his own self existence. this kind of man usually eager to away from his own wife and trying to find any other woman that be fit with him.
3. wife that love to lie.
Honesty is the biggest point in order to reach pleasure marriage, because it gives peaceful and happiness. Unfortunately, there are lot of woman that love to lie. They make it as hobby or as pretense for fear of something. But, what ever the reason is, lying and cheating are the most abhorred things by man. Although, sometimes a man an understand about why the woman do that, but normally, its acceptance is usually is goes along with an underestimating opinion.
4. Cruel and rude wife.
This kind of wife is so easy to give punishment to the husband, when he do a mistake. With all her hostility characters, this wife will keep her husband to always in restlessness. Besides, this kind of wife wife will accustom to say rude sentences to her neighbors, friends, and the family members. Cruel and rude wife, of course will evoke many problems for her husband, even for also the children. This character will create the unhappy feeling to her children and make a gap in both of them.
…The cruel and rude wife is so easy to give punishment to the husband, when he do a mistake. with all her hostility characters, this wife will keep her husband to always in restlessness.…5. A stressing wife.
This woman is accustom to live in full of badness atmosphere of life. His household are full of bad behavior, fluctuation, hostility. Each command said by the husband is simply reject by the wife. So that, she often creates difficulty and bring a conflict with her husband. In such condition, the husband prioritize to away from home, or stay at home and do the same thing as his wife.
6. Passive wife.
This character of wife will let and gives in all business to the husband, so that the husband drives the entire family affairs. His role is only doing what her husband command. he always capitulate in all matter, as if he demands the husband to have more authorities without trying to show her existence toward her husband. where as he is alive pair for her husband.
7. A very obstinate wife.
This kind of wife is always opinionative. She keeps doing her stubborn character for a comfortable feeling because she think that people will always follow her opinion, although in wrong path. Despitefully, this action will create a special self satisfaction for her. For example, if the husband wishes for a kind of food, she is continual prepares another kind of food, even she actually does not like it. This kind of woman is seriously be "hated" by man
…A very obstinate wife is seriously be "hated" by man...8. Wife in routine.
This woman is usually consider that marriage is the end of her life, she hide her all ambitions and willing after being a wife. She command her self to cut it. That is why she considered if today is just the same as yesterday. For her, marriage is full of regular and monotonous activities.
Those matters above are become the most abhorred characters by the husband. Therefore, the wife should rearrange their lifestyle and delete those characters in order to reach happiness and peacefulness household.
Parents must tell their young son when they have got wet dream for the first time, if they are responsible on all their actions to Allah. And they are even also obligated to do religious service such as those which done by another adult moslems.
Meanwhile, their daughters have to do the same thing when they experienced menstruation. They must be informed that they have to responsible on every action done by themselves to Allah. As the consequence, they must do religious service such those which is being obligated to muslimah
…When the children achieves their puberty times, there are some rules that must be explained by parents to them…
When the children achieve their puberty times, there are some rules that must be explained by parents to them, such as:
1. When their son have dreamed a sex intercourse, he is unnecessary to take a bath (al-ghusl), otherwise he see and feel if their trousers are wet, caused by sperm ejaculation. Their daughters also have to do the same way, if there is something that out from their vagina.
2. Narrated by Khaulah binti Hakim, he asked to prophet Muhammad about woman who got wet dream, as done by man, so prophet uttered " she has no obligatory to take a bath until the sperm out, as man who have no obligatory to take a bath until their sperm out" (hr. ahmad no. 26049, an-nasa'i no. 198, and ibnu majah no. 594)
3. When your child awaken, and he see or feel the trousers is wet caused by dreams, so they (woman and man) must do janabah bath, although they haven't remember what were the dream about.
4. When your sons get an orgasm caused by sexual desire, either due expressly and or involuntary, so he must take a bath. The same rule are also applied for your daughter, when they feel orgasm and wet liquid out.
5. Boys and girl who want to get married have to understand all matters above, when they want to get married and have sexual intercourse. Each time sexual penetration happen, so they are obligated to take a bath after it, although they experience orgasm or not.
Dealing to this matter, the prophet uttered, " When a man is between four parts of woman body (having sex intercourse) then the penetration happen, so he has an obligatory to take a bath" . ( Al-Bukhari)
6. When woman does not see any blood anymore at end of menstruation time, so she must take a bath. married woman have also learn and understand if after they giving birth, she must take a bath when the bleeding is end.
… Your sons and daughter have to understanding about the actions that should do and do not when they are in defilement …
Next step is teaching them in doing the appropriate janabah bath. Your sons and daughters have to understanding about the actions that should do and do not when they are in defilement, such as:
1. During menstruation, or after giving birth, woman is forbidden to pray, fasting, and entering the mosque, doing thawaf, etc.
Allah said, " they ask to you about menstruation. say: " They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean. " (Al-baqarah: 222)
2. Man and woman who get impurities condition (after having sex), are forbidden to read Koran or touch it, before they take a bath. Rasulullah usually read Koran at all conditions, unless he was junub from sexual intercourse. they are also forbidden to pray, entering the mosque,or doing thawaf.
3. Our children have also be tough to pay attention on their clothes and watch over it permanently clean from sperm, any liquids from vagina, or other liquids out from sex organ. [ganna pryadha/voa-islam. com]
It's about parents.
Does that sound odd to you? Or even jarring? Let me repeat it: parenting isn’t about kids, it’s about parents. We’ve always been told and believed the opposite: parenting is about kids. Parenting is about these younger human beings that we’ve been put in charge of. As parents we’re responsible for them—for making sure they have a strong sense of security and high self-esteem. We’re responsible for making sure they’re healthy and normal. We’re responsible for them receiving the best education possible. We’re responsible for providing all the opportunities we possibly can to insure that they are intelligent, well-rounded individuals. We’re responsible for them developing sound morals. We’re responsible for them staying out of trouble. We’re responsible for them choosing the right college and major, the right husband or wife. We’re responsible for them not going to Hell, for crying out loud! Right?
Wrong. Parenting is not about kids–it’s about us, the parents. And we are not responsible for our kids. Instead, we are responsible to our kids. And believe me there is a difference. In this article, I will insha’Allah talk about these two very important principles.
Parenting isn’t about kids, it’s about parents.
Where should our focus be during our daily interactions with our kids? Most of us focus outward, toward our children. We watch, monitor, guide, reprimand, discipline. We’re always thinking about them—about what they’re doing or not doing. Other times we’re thinking about what they should or could be doing. And then when one of our children misbehaves, we are most definitely focused on them. That’s the time when we must communicate to them that what they did was wrong, and sometimes we actually have to stop them from misbehaving first. Throughout these interactions we’re always focused on them.
It’s time, parents, for us to reprogram. If we want to be the most effective communicators possible, if we want to have the best relationship with our kids, and if we want to deliver the powerful message that certain behavior is not acceptable, then we absolutely must reprogram ourselves. It’s time to stop focusing on our children and start focusing on ourselves.
This means that as we watch, monitor, guide, reprimand, or discipline, we should be focusing inwardly, on ourselves, not on our children. Of course, we remain cognitively aware of what they are doing, but during these moments we need to be aware of what we are thinking and feeling. And most importantly, we need to be calm.
This is especially difficult during those moments when our children misbehave, because inwardly we begin to experience anxious emotions and thoughts. We began to feel angry, sad, resentful, frustrated, or even violent. We also experience thoughts along the same vein, such as “Why did she do that when I told her not to!” or “What was he thinking?!” or “I can’t believe she did that again!” Anxious feelings and thoughts are normal, and I am not saying that they can be eliminated. I repeat, you will not stop experiencing them. What you must do is not act (or shall we say “react”) on them.
When we remain calm, we have the ability to be the most effective parents. Our ability to communicate and discipline effectively is enhanced a hundredfold, if not more. Had we yelled, intimidated, guilt-tripped, or withdrew, we would have greatly reduced our effectiveness. So, the next time one of our children misbehaves, we should consciously recognize that we are experiencing anxious thoughts and emotions, and we should continue to focus on ourselves throughout our exchange with our child. We should remain calm and address the situation, using a calm face and voice, even when that means delivering some form of discipline. Even if a small child must be physically removed from a situation or have something confiscated, we should remain calm and communicate in a calm manner.
When we do this, our child’s ability to hear and understand the message we are communicating does not become hindered by our anxiety. Many of us have a misconception: if we act upset (by yelling or intimidating, for example) this will enhance our child’s ability to understand and internalize or message that their behavior was not acceptable. By displaying our anger, for example, we think we adding impact to the message, but in fact the opposite is true! When we yell or display anxious behavior, we are actually distracting from the message we are trying to deliver and reducing the likelihood it will have a strong impact.
When we are trying to communicate while displaying anxious emotions with a younger child, the child is no longer focusing on the misbehavior, but instead is wondering “How do I calm mom down?” or “How do I stop dad from yelling?” We know we’re yelling important words at them (“My cell phone is not a toy! You cannot play with it!”) but they’re not digesting the words. It’s like what they’re really hearing you say (or scream) is “Calm me down! You did this bad thing, so you must calm me down!” If you have an older child, your emotional reactivity will most likely conjure defensive or argumentative emotions and thoughts within them, or they may just withdraw all together. So instead of hearing what you’re saying, they’re thinking “Mom is so annoying” or “Dad is such a jerk” or “Whatever.”
Where is the moral development in that? Is that really seizing the opportunity to tell them that we must abide by moral principles, or respect boundaries, or adhere to rules, or obey their parents? Our display of anxious emotions and thoughts squelches that opportunity. So, I challenge every parent who is reading this article to apply this principle (focus on yourself and remain calm) for a week. Eliminate your emotional reactivity from your interactions with your children. They may be shocked or act even worse at first, because there has been a break in the cycle and they’ve been thrown off-balance by it, but you will very soon start to see a change in how they receive your parental messages.
We are not responsible for our kids, we are responsible to our kids.
We do not control our kids, whether they are six months old or sixteen years old. We do not control them. Your toddler will have a tantrum in the store if he wants to or your teenager will break her curfew if she wants to. A perfect example of this happened to me just today. My son knows that he’s not allowed to throw the ball in the house, but today he did it any way, because he wanted to, and when he threw it, it hit me right in the side of the head (painfully and knocking my glasses askew) while I was reading Qur’an. I felt angry and my first thought was “I have told him a thousand times that he is not supposed to throw the ball in the house!” But, despite my countless repetitions that he is not to do that, he did it today because he wanted to.
Many of us would feel entitled in that moment to let off some steam and some scream. We are also most likely experiencing some latent internal commentary: “That child did not obey me. I am responsible for making sure he follows house rules and he didn’t, so therefore his throwing the ball was a representation of my failure to control his behavior, and that stresses me out. I do a good job as a parent, so his behavior should be in line with my good efforts.”
At the end of the day, even if you do the most stellar job possible, your child will do what he or she wants to do. Accept this fact and feel the liberation within it. You do not control your child. You are not responsible for his behavior. If he misbehaves that is entirely his choice. As parents we are responsible for delivering those important moral and ethical messages—for letting our children know that certain behavior is unacceptable. That is our responsibility to our kids, so we should strive to be calm, effective communicators who effectively deliver discipline. We are not responsible for our children—for what they choose to do or not do. We are not responsible for our kids, we are responsible to our kids. We do not control them, but we do control ourselves. So, parenting isn’t about kids, it’s about parents. Let’s take ownership of that and apply it. Let’s start a revolution in our homes tonight, by becoming the calm, effective mothers our children need.
Olivia Kompier
Certified Screamfree Leader
JAKARTA ( – Parents in whole world likes to see big honesty in their kids. Honesty is one of best character that human should have, especially kids. If the parents teach how to learn it for their kids at the youngest age, later the they will be able to always be honest when they grow up.
There are many theories that give instructions about how to teach our kids to be honest. But on the reality, it is not easy to run that theory to be true, because there are so many reasons that make kids lie to their parents. Childrentparenting describes 3 factors dealing with that, as follows :
1. Lying as the describtion of their fantasy
"Mom, I can be a superman". Many kids usually say this in their games. This thing is usually happened to the kids at the youngest age. They are easily to be influenced whit anything that they heard and see. As a result, kids have difficulties in distinguist the real thing and the imagination one. Playing something that involve an imagination is permitted. But parents should explain to their kids that game is unreal.
2. Lying to avoid a mistake.
Almost every kids will say untruth if they are in pressures. They will try to shift their mistakes. On the youngest age, kids usually use their natural imaginations to lie. Next, when they are grow up, they will try to make powerfull stories to avoid any punishments.
.. Kids will say untruth if they are in pressure. They will try to shift their mistakes...
Their emosion include guilty, worry and scare are involve here. They can even say "The cat break this vase, not me" to prove that they are not make any mistakes.
3. Willpower to lie
Lying is bad habit, especially for kids. If the parents do not handle it seriously soon, it can be worse. Parents has to be familiar with the first non- verbal signal of lying, showed by their kids. For example, "Mom, I will go to Alex’s house to learn together with my friends", where as they just want to play around.
The best approach
If your kids usually lie to you, do the best approach to give them any understanding about it. Give simple explanation that their acts are abselutely bad. Do it smoothly and give many positif words on it.
Do not for get to give your kids any punishments as the consequences of lying. You can give it equal with how big the mistakes are. One thing that parents should remeber, do not get angry or shout a loud to the kids, so they realize that lying is definetily bad for them.
by : James P. Krehbiel
One of the perpetual problems that many parents face is lying by their children. Parents will often personalize this problem and view it as a sign that their children lack respect for them. Parents may also believe that their parental authority is being undermined when their children distort the truth.
It is important that parents recognize that all behavior is purposeful, even the habit of lying. Some lying is a common feature of the human experience. Rather than focus on the specific lies told by their children and the implications of those lies, parents would be well-served in trying to understand the purposes underlying their children's need to distort the truth.
When parents confront their children about their pattern of lying, they may inadvertently make the problem worse. Parents may unintentionally promote a power-struggle and cause their children to actually become more deceptive about their behavior.
I believe that parents need to rethink their perspective for dealing with their children when they lie. I recommend that parents never use the word lying in front of their kids. Use of the word lie sets up an adversarial dynamic. It is preferable to use phrases such as "you need to be more up-front with me" or "you need to be honest with me". This relaxes the encounter and makes it more likely that you will get to the bottom of the situation.
Often children will lie if they feel intimidated or feel excessive pressure from a parent. For example, a child may be afraid of harsh, punitive treatment as a consequence for poor grades. Talking with your child on an on-going basis about the nature and quality of his work, rather than focusing on assessment is helpful in promoting more truthfulness.
Children may embellish stories and lie to their friends if they lack self-confidence and proper social skills. Children may feel the need to gain approval from their peers. If you are aware that your child is fabricating information, explore the issue with gentleness or seek professional counseling assistance if necessary.
Adolescence may be the most difficult developmental period for dealing with lying. Children, during the teen years, are looking for ways to separate from their parents through experimentation, concealing information, and acting guarded around their parents. Try to keep the lines of communications open. Set appropriate boundaries and limits. Monitor you children closely for substance abuse, and other acting-out behaviors. Never accept excuses for inappropriate behavior. Set logical consequences and stick to them. By setting these parameters, parents can reduce the opportunity for their teenagers to engage in lying.
Some guidelines for parents to cope with children who conceal the truth are:
* All behavior is purposeful, even lying. Lying is not always intentional deceit and may be aimed at getting attention from parents or manipulating a situation.
* All children will lie on occasion. It is inevitable. Remember your childhood?
* Reframe the word lying. Use terminology that means the same, but softens the conflict.
* Children may be embarrassed or sensitive about telling the truth. Acknowledge those feelings with them, but insist on knowing the truth.
* When children tell the truth, reinforce their positive behavior.
* Never set-up your child by being aware of a lie and then asking him for the truth without discussing that you have information. Acknowledge up-front that you know what's going on.
* Monitor your children's behavior (without over-involvement) to see if you notice any red-flags.
* Stay out of power-struggles with teens over deception. If you know they are being untruthful, merely acknowledge it and set reasonable, logical consequences.
* Never make the issue of deception the main focal point of your conversations. Lying is always a byproduct of other more meaningful areas of exploration with your children.
* As a parent, role-model honest communications and behavior demonstrating integrity with your children. Children may pick up on inconsistencies in parenting and use those patterns as a reason to be untruthful and manipulative.
Unfortunately, some children are pathological (chronic) liars. These children wreak havoc at home. Through stealing, self-medicating, promiscuous sex, and other self-destructive behaviors they may exhibit psychological disorders. These youngsters need professional, psychiatric and counseling treatment.
Remember that lying is purposeful behavior that can be minimized with healthy involvement with your children, appropriate monitoring, sensitivity and understanding, and role-modeling of honest, open, and emotionally expressive communications.
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Some of the items you need to organize your refrigerator include the following: dishwashing soap, trash can, sponge, and baking soda. Once you have all the things you need, you can complete this within an hour or so.
Step 1. Begin de-cluttering your refrigerator by emptying all of its contents. Once you have emptied it, you can use the soapy sponge to wipe the interiors. Take an entire box of baking soda and place it at the back of your refrigerator. This will help absorb any odor that is produced from the inside for a fresher smell.
Step 2. Organize your food items into basic types. This will enable you to figure out how you can place items back on the refrigerator to ensure that you can utilize the space properly.
Step 3. Aside from grouping your food together, grouping them will enable you to place them according to height. Hence, you no longer have to take each item out just so you can see what is hidden behind it. When you open the refrigerator, you can actually see the items and pick out whatever you need and leave behind those you don't.
Step 5. Maintain. It is of no use when you organize your refrigerator today and in a matter of days things will go back like they used to. You need to dedicate a time each week to clean and maintan your fridge as part of your weekly habit.
Step 6. Once you have started cleaning out your refrigerator, it should be easier to organize the same technique you used with the rest of the house. And of course, you need to use the same habit of cleaning and maintaining.